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Take a quick how-to tour of the registration process


How to configure The Finance Planner. Overview of the main settings

Tariff Plans

Quick Overview of the Tariff Plans and available features

Accounts Structure

Hierarchy of the Accounts in The Finance Planner

Create Simple Transaction

A story about how to create a Simple Transaction

Create Elastic Transaction

Creating advanced Elastic Transaction in The Finance Planner

List Simple Transactions

Working with the transactions list (simple form)

List Elastic Transactions

Working with the transactions list (elastic form)


Loans in The Finance Planner

Transaction Templates

Quick way to create typical transactions

Finance Schedules

Plan your future

Automatic Planning

Let us plan for you

Bank Credits

Tracking Advanced Bank Credits in The Finance Planner

Warehouse and Purchase List

Tracking goods and creating Purchase Lists


Doing Business and sending Invoices


Project Planningr


Dashboard and mini-apps

Finance Advisors

Cooperating with professional Finance Advisors

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ver., September 15, 2024